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Website Mondays: Using our Social Media to Connect with Agents

Published Lynne on Monday, November 14, 2022 7:30 AM

Website Mondays: Using our Social Media to Connect with Agents

A huge part of the success of Schools and Agents is our social media... So, today we'll be telling you all about how to use our channels to connect with our agent followers.

Join our Groups on Facebook and LinkedIn

Schools and Agents has very active social media groups; one on Facebook and one on Linkedin. The aim of these groups is for our member schools to share their updates and for us to disseminate the content you send to us. Our service providers and agents can also share their own news in these groups. So if you are Schools & Agents members already, what are you waiting for? Join our Facebook group here. And our LinkedIn group here... and start sharing your updates today!

Send us Content so We Disseminate

As part of your membership we will share your content to our channels. This can be anything from an article, testimonial, short intro + link to a video, press release... anything that you want agents to know about. Once it's published we will share it far and wide through our website, social media and online newsletter. We also share into other social media groups that focus on international education, always tagging your school/business wherever possible. 

Make Sure your Content Targets the Right Audience

If you are a school you want the subject of your content to be aimed at agents. When supplying us with content keep in mind that our audience will beB2B i.e. not students or parents. This is why you may need to tweak any of the content that you already have to reflect this.

Be Present Where Your Audience is Present

If you are a school and you want to reach more agents, then you need to be present where those agents are and share content that is aimed at them. This may push you to come out of your comfort zone and start exploring more of what social media can offer. Many of you are already on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and even TikTok, but always keep in mind that your content needs to be adapted according to the platform and audience.

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